15 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Simple dan Benar

Cek contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris berikut, yuk!
Bingung caranya membuat surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris? Mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diinginkan tentu harus diimbangi dengan usaha maksimal.
Nggak perlu khawatir karena ada tips simple untuk kamu. Salah satunya dengan mengetahui struktur membuat surat lamaran kerja yang benar dan singkat dalam bahasa Inggris.
Namun, bagi kamu yang masih bingung, berikut ini contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris. Cocok juga digunakan untuk fresh graduate!
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Selain skill atau kemampuan seseorang, sebuah perusahaan umumnya juga akan merekrut pelamar dari beberapa aspek lain seperti CV dan surat lamaran kerja.
Perlu kamu ketahui bahwa saat ini membuat surat lamaran kerja dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris ternyata menambah penilaian. Namun, kamu juga harus menyesuaikan penggunaan bahasa inggris di dalam surat lamaran perusahaan atau jabatan yang dituju.
Menulis surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris juga membutuhkan ketelitian, agar penggunaan tata bahasanya terlihat baik dan profesional. Buat yang masih bingung, ikuti 15 contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris berikut, yuk.
1. Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk posisi Pengajar

Bagi kamu yang ingin melamar pekerjaan sebagai seorang guru, sebaiknya ikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris berikut. Jangan sampai salah strukturnya, ya.
(Your city address, date)
Mr. Hans
Head of Human Resource Division
(Company name)
(Company address)
Jakarta, 12440
Dear Mr. Hans,
This is regarding your advertisement published in LinkedIn about vacancy for an English Teacher. I would like to apply for the role as an English Teacher.
I have been a Supervisor at primary school for 5 years. I have also taught class VI and VII for 2 years earlier. My qualification and experience match with your requirements.
I have attached my resume and other documents for your consideration for the role. I am looking forward to discussing with you in person about the role, so I can explain my skills and abilities.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
2. Posisi karyawan hotel

Selanjutnya, contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris beserta struktur yang singkat untuk posisi karyawan hotel.
(Your city address, date)
Mr. Hans
Head of Human Resource Division
(Company name)
(Company address)
Dear Mr. Hans,
Based on the advertising on LinkedIn, posted on June 30, 2021 about the job as Receptionist in hotel xxx, I would like to apply for that position.
I have completed my graduate program in the field of Tourism at xxx University, and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.
I am 24 years old and had worked as a receptionist for 5 years at xxx Hotel. I also can speak three foreign languages including English and Japanese.
For your consideration, I have attached my resume. I am looking forward to discussing with you in person, so I can explain my skills and abilities.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
3. Posisi graphic designer

Ini contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk posisi graphic designer. Menambah jenis surat ini pada lamaran kerja kamu akan sangat membantu!
(Your city address, date)
Mr. Hans
Head of Human Resource Division
(Company name)
(Company address)
Jakarta, 12440
Dear Mr. Hans,
I am writing in response to your announcement of hiring for a Graphic Designer position at your company. I would like to apply for that position because I have experience as a Graphic Designer at xxx company for 3 years.
I graduated from the xxx University, majoring in Visual Communication Design. During my studies, I also took part in a college magazine as a Photography Division Leader. I am also able to work in a team.
Please see my resume for the details. Appreciate your attention and respond.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
4. Posisi karyawan bank

Tak hanya sekadar memperhatikan kemampuan diri, kamu juga harus cek contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk posisi karyawan bank selanjutnya ini. Terlihat singkat dan simple!
HRD of Bank xxx
(Your city address, date)
Dear HR Manager,
Let me introduce myself, my name is xxx, I am xxx years old. I graduated from xxx University on (Your graduation date).
I consider myself that I have qualifications as a Bank employee. I have good motivation for growing and can work as a team or by individual. I also have computer skills, and some tax calculations. I am writing in response to your announcement of hiring for a Bank Employee position at your xxx Bank.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data: CV, Photo, ID Card, Bachelor Degree Certificate, and Soft copy Academic Transcript.
Please see the resume for the details. Appreciate your attention and respond.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
5. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk posisi sekretaris

Agar perekrut tertarik untuk menghubungimu, cobalah untuk membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris dengan contoh di bawah. Pastinya terlihat lebih profesional saat ingin melamar lowongan pekerjaan.
(Your address city, date)
Mr. Hans
Head of Human Resource Division
(Company name)
(Company address)
Jakarta, 12440
Dear Mr. Hans,
Based on the information I have received from a LinkedIn post on May 29th 2021, about job vacancy at Divisa office, I found that your company is looking for an experienced employee in secretary position.
I have an educational background that fit with the job with 3 years experience as a personal secretary in a law firm office in Bandung.
I got my bachelor degree in xxx from the xxx. I can work as a team or by individual.
I am a hard worker who always wants to progress and grow. Furthermore, I have fluent computer skills and I do communicate in English, either spoken or written.
Please see the resume for the details. Appreciate your attention and respond.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
6. Posisi Akuntan

CV dan Portofolio yang menarik memang sangat dibutuhkan, namun kamu juga harus bisa menjelaskan secara jelas dan singkat pengalaman kamusebagai seorang akuntan. Maka, coba ikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk lowongan posisi akuntan.
(Your address city, date)
To: HR Manager
(Company name)
(Company address)
Dear HR Manager,
I am writing in response to your announcement of hiring for an accountant position at your company.
As an accounting major, I learned a lot both from college and also other courses held by companies and campus. With my past 3 years experience as a part-time accountant for my professor’s startup, I believe I will exceed your expectations for this role.
I am proficient in accounting software including Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and various other accounting software. With my accounting education and experience, I am ready to provide outstanding service within your company.
I look forward to having a meeting with you to talk about my plan and strategy for the business. Do let me know if you need any further information.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
7. Posisi HRD

Sama seperti beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris di atas, kamu harus bisa menjelaskan pengalaman kerjamu di bidang ini secara jelas. Berikut contoh struktur tepat yang bisa kamu ikuti.
Dear HR Manager,
As I saw your job vacancy on LinkedIn, so I am writing this resume to fill an experienced HR Staff position.
I have 2 years of experience in Human Resources. In my current job position, I am responsible for supporting the implementation and development of HR systems and initiatives .
I am also actively involved in recruitment by preparing job details, posting advertisements, and managing the recruitment process. For your consideration, I will be able to maintain the peak level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization.
I am looking forward to talking with you in person, so I can explain my skills and abilities. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
8. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk Fresh Graduate

Bagi kamu yang masih fresh graduate, nggak perlu bingung untuk menulis lamaran kerja. Ikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris di bawah agar lebih mudah dalam melamar lowongan pekerjaan.
(Your address city, date)
Mrs. Catlyn
Human Resources Department
xxx Company
Dear Mrs Catlyn,
As I saw your job vacancy on LinkedIn, I’d like to apply as one of the Creative Team on your company.
My name is Anita. I simply moved on from my school in March 24th 2022. I have great personality; I can cooperate with other people as teamwork. As consideration, I attached my CV, Photo, Final Certificate, and ID Card.
I am looking forward to talking with you in person, so I can explain my skills and abilities. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
9. Posisi Perawat

Keterampilan dan pengalaman memang sangat dibutuhkan, namun kamu juga harus menuliskan riwayat tersebut secara menarik saat melamar pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, cek contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris untuk posisi perawat.
(Your address city, date)
To :
Mr. Hans
Head of Human Resource Department
xxx Hospital
Jln. Raya No.222 Bandar Lampung 56772
Dear Mr. Hans,
I am writing to apply for the Nurse position with Lala Hospital. I am a recent nursing graduate from Lala Health College.
In my studies and clinical experience, I have learned such topics as anatomy handling of biohazard material assessment giving injections patient treatment sanitation medicine dispensing and more.
I am organized and efficient with a strong sense of time management able to prioritize tasks accordingly. My interpersonal skills are excellent and I love interacting with people of all backgrounds.
I am very knowledgeable about nursing protocol having scored in the top 10% of my class and I am ready to put my skills to work. My clinical supervisor has commended me on my interaction with patients and my understanding of nursing principles.
I welcome you to reach out by email or phone to arrange an interview at your convenience. Thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to meeting with you.
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
10. Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk posisi Data Analyst

Tentukan apa yang menjadi keunggulanmu di bidang ini, lalu tuliskan dengan mengikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris di bawah, ya.
Subject: Application for the Post of Data Analyst
Dear HR Manager,
I am Anita, and I would like to apply for the post of Data Analyst at your company.
I have 5 years of work experience at xxx Company where I helped the marketing team with useful insights into their customer base through data analysis. I am adept at data management software like MS Excel and SAS.
I have attached my detailed profile with this email, and I hope to work with you in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best Regrads,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
11. Lulusan SMK

Selain itu, bagi kamu yang baru lulus SMK juga bisa mengikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris seperti di bawah. Jika dibutuhkan kualifikasi dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris, jenis surat lamaran kerja ini bermanfaat banget!
(Your address city, date)
xxx Company
(Compan address)
Dear HR Manager,
Following a job post on LinkedIn on January 11, 2022, xxx Company is hiring new staff. Considering my educational background and the certificate of expertise, I intend to apply as a technician staff.
I am a graduate of SMK xxx majoring in xxx and have had experience in the musical instrument store for a year.
In my high school years, I also joined several school organizations. I find it easy to adapt to a new environment and follow the job desk given in a new workplace for myself.
Herewith, I have attached my CV for your consideration. I would be glad if you would give me a chance to interview.
Thank you and I’m looking forward to discussing my skill with you.
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
12. Posisi Social Media

Bagi para pelamar untuk posisi social media, pengalaman kerja adalah yang utama. Maka pastikan kamu menceritakannya secara detail pada surat lamaran kerja agar tim perekrut tertarik. Supaya lamaran kerja lebih dilirik, coba gunakan bahasa Inggris, yuk!
Subject: Application for the Post of Social Media
Dear HR Manager,
I would like to apply for the position of Social Media Officer at your company.
I have been working with xxx Company as a Social Media Specialist for the last 3 year. I have also been running my own social media page for the last 2 years. Here is the link for the same {Insert link portofolio}.
I have a lot of ideas for your social media campaigns that I hope to discuss with you in person. I hope to get an opportunity to use my skills to help your company grow and develop my own skills at the same time.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data CV, Portofolio, Bachelor Degree Certificate, and Soft copy Academic Transcript.
Please see the resume for the details. Appreciate your attention and respond.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
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13. Posisi Software Developer

Yuk, ikuti contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris di bawah bagi kamu yang tertarik dengan posisi pekerjaan software developer.
Subject: Application for the Post of Software Developer
Dear HR Manager,
This is regarding your post on LinkedIn about a vacancy in your company for the role of Software Developer. I would like to apply for the position of Software Developer at your company.
Here is a brief about myself. I have completed a Tech in Computer Science from University of Indonesia.
During my studies, I participated in various tech fests and also won a gold medal for creating an app from scratch in an inter-university tech competition.
I am confident that I have the skills to excel at your dynamic organisation. I have always dreamed of being a part of your company due to the development opportunities you provide.
I request you to give me an opportunity to learn and grow at your esteemed firm through this job role.
Please refer to my resume and cover letter, attached with the email, for detailed information.
Thank You.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
14. Posisi Asisten Manajer

Menjadi seorang asisten manajer memang memiliki tanggung jawab yang lebih besar. Tak hanya andal dalam beberapa pekerjaan, kamu juga harus teliti. Oleh karena itu, pastikan untuk menuliskan keunggulan serta skill tambahanmu dalam surat lamaran kerja dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Subject: Job Application for Assistant Manager
Dear HR Manager,
I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Manager at your esteemed firm. I got to know about the job role through a member of your team, Mrs. Risya, who happens to be my neighbour.
I have completed my Masters in Management from the University of Indonesia. I worked as a Management Trainee for a year at xxx Company.
At ABC Company, I gained vast knowledge and experience about supply chain management in an e-commerce field. I was also a part of the team that was responsible for planning and executing new inbound supply chain processes.
Working at your esteemed e-commerce organisation is the dream of every person who wants to make a career in supply chain management. With my experience and skills, I will surely be able to add value to your business.
I request you to consider my application for the role. My resume and cover letter are attached to the email. Please refer to them for more information.
Kindly feel free to contact me for further discussions.
Thank You.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
15. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk posisi Content Writer

Seperti yang kita tahu, bahwa saat ini posisi content writer sedang banyak dicari oleh perusahaan. Baik untuk posisi freelance maupun full time.
Bagi kamu yang memiliki keahlian di bidang ini, tak ada salahnya untuk coba mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja dengan format bahasa Inggris di bawah.
Dear HR Manager,
I am writing in response to your announcement of hiring for an SEO Content Writer position at xxx Company.
I would like to apply for that position because I have experiences as SEO Content Writer at TV NEWS, and BCD News.
I graduated from the University of Indonesia, majoring in Japanese Literature. During studied, I also took part in a college magazine as a Division Leader.
I am a good work ethic and have the ability to work in a team. Please see the resume for the details. Appreciate your attention and respond. Thank you.
Best Regards,
(Your name)
(Your mobile phone number)
(Your email)
Itulah contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris simple dan singkat. Kamu bisa gunakan sesuai dengan jenis pekerjaan yang ingin dilamar. Kemudian isi konten surat lamaran berdasarkan dari pengalaman kerjamu, ya.
Dari 15 contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris di atas, kamu bisa gunakan mana yang paling sesuai. Punya rekomendasi surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris lain? Share di kolom komentar, ya.
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Updated by Velin Natasha
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