Trend & Design
Rukees 101
09 Januari 2024
Jangan tunda daftarkan dirimu karena slot Rukita Badminton Friendly Match terbatas!
PR Marketing
1 min read
25 Maret 2022
Instead of apartments, kost is a more popular city dwelling for Indonesians. But what is a kost, and what’s the difference with co-living?
5 min read
29 Oktober 2021
These 5 technology startups are the example of companies in Indonesia that are led and founded by women.
28 Oktober 2021
All of these apartments come fully furnished, and no need to pay in advance for the next 12 months. Monthly payment is fine.
Yuk cari Hunian untukmu sekarang!
Mewujudkan hunian berkualitas dan terjangkau untuk semua orang di setiap fase kehidupan.
Yuk cari kost coliving dan apartemen untukmu sekarang!