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Rukees 101
13 Maret 2023
If you are an expat or a tourist who stays in Jakarta, you might want to know where your country’s embassy is located. Find out here!
Aziza Fanny Larasati
5 min read
28 Februari 2023
While you’re in town, here are some recommended movie theatres and cinema in Jakarta that you can visit to watch a movie.
4 min read
20 Februari 2023
Sing at the top of your lungs while dancing and relaxing in these recommended karaoke bars and lounges in Jakarta. Which are they?
30 Januari 2023
Have no idea where to go while you are in this “Island of the Gods”? Let’s take a look at this list of recommended beach clubs in Bali!
16 Januari 2023
Rent a house, room, or apartment for an expat can be tricky. So, here are some useful tips that you might want to know before renting an apartment in Jakarta.
02 Januari 2023
Not yet familiar with places to hang out around Jakarta? We’ve got you covered! Check out the best bars in Jakarta that you must visit at least once!
16 Desember 2022
Commuting in Jakarta is no longer difficult if you live in a coliving apartment near MRT stations. Check it out the apartments here!
25 Maret 2022
Instead of apartments, kost is a more popular city dwelling for Indonesians. But what is a kost, and what’s the difference with co-living?
PR Marketing
29 Oktober 2021
These 5 technology startups are the example of companies in Indonesia that are led and founded by women.
Yuk cari Hunian untukmu sekarang!
Mewujudkan hunian berkualitas dan terjangkau untuk semua orang di setiap fase kehidupan.
Yuk cari kost coliving dan apartemen untukmu sekarang!